Entry 005

JAN 02, 2023
I’m no expert in this space, but getting a taste of grant life has motivated me to go full fledged in ‘23.
“I always say you miss 100% of the shots you don't take”
Entry 005
It’s been awhile.
The last quarter of 2022 went fast and when that happens, I try to intentionally enjoy everything that comes my way. You have to be consciously in the moment because it will come and go QUICKLY. As much as I would like to share everything I’m working on, I have to enjoy the moment and truly reflect on it. From completing the Patterson Park Basketball Mural Project to having my 5th A Reason To Dress Up Art Show with Creatively Mindful, the last 3 months of 2022 flew by.
I’m super grateful for the opportunities that came my way in 2022, and everything from the wins to the losses are learning experiences for me to grow in 2023.
One of the major things I learned from 2022 is securing grants for my art business. I was able to secure two grants for my art projects and I see how much of a benefit they can be for my artistry. This year I plan to explore even more opportunities because of the benefits.
The art grants allow me to tackle projects and not have to worry about the financial strain or burdens it may bring to complete my different projects. I truly appreciate the organizations that put value in the arts to provide a budget.
Some of the Organizations that artists should look for grants are:
- Baltimore Office of Promotion & Arts
Always look at your local city government website, state government website, local congressman and national banks for different grants they provide to artists and creatives.
I always say you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. So Apply, Apply, Apply! The worst thing that will happen is you won’t get the grant. But, with a denial, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from the grant committee. Most grants allow you to apply multiple times, so don’t be discouraged if you’re not accepted. That’s just an opportunity for you to try again.
I’m no expert in this space, but getting a taste of grant life has motivated me to go full fledged in ‘23.
More personal work. More Originals. More #ArtByJLaw.
To an amazing 2023,