Entry 008

MAR 8, 2024
I don’t know what it is, but the change of the seasons is essential for me.
“To more art, more impact, and more creativity.”
Entry 008
It seems like I’ve been out of touch. Not really connected with ya’ll and that’s on me. But, this monolawgue is kinda like my therapy and allows me to share with y'all. 2024 has been interesting so far. This art game is an ever-lasting journey and I learn something new everyday.
The winter months were slow for me as I lacked the motivation to create new work for myself and for others. But, I turned the tide around February. I don’t know what it is, but sometimes this stuff comes in waves. And there’s certain tactics that help keep me afloat. From podcasts, to interviews to just seeing fellow creatives create work in the industry. Man, shouts to Taji with For The Record, King Rello, Noah Callahan with Idea Generation, Ronnie Fieg, Rachel Motley, and more. Those are the creatives that have been on a crazy run and help with the inspiration for me.
Good thing about Winter is that Spring is right around the corner. The days are getting longer and the temperatures are rising. For me, that brings more motivation and inspiration for my creativity as an artist. I don’t know what it is, but the change of the seasons is essential for me. They bring a different spark to my workflow and that’s essential for my growth.
Last time we talked, A WHOLE 7 MONTHS ago (I know, pitiful), I said I was just enjoying today’s wins and not projecting my future. But, it's been too long for me not to share with the homies. I’m still in the mural game. I completed a mural for the Baltimore Ravens in November, which was a huge win for my city. But, for 2024 I have a few projects in the works. I think murals are here to stay for me. The joy I get from the impact they have on the people and community is fulfilling. And that’s one of the main aspects of my artistry that keeps me motivated. I have to find the lanes that keep me motivated and serve as my purpose in being an artist.
In addition, I HAVE to get back into creating my personal collection of artwork this year. Remember the 2020-2022 days of ArtByJLaw? Let’s just say it was a crazy run of fine art & fine art collectibles. I’m talking puzzles with my artwork, keychains, fine art prints, clothing and much more. I gotta capture that feeling again and I know the people want it too. Definitely expect more personal work out of me this year, and I gotta run a collection or two along with it.
One last thing. I don’t know if you noticed, but I put myself on a challenge to post to social media everyday for 6 months. I’m damn proud to say we’re in month 3 and I haven’t missed one day since January 1. For me, I have a goal to effectively build my online community, but the reason for posting EVERYday is to build the habit of sharing my art journey and staying active. Along the way, I’ll find strategies and techniques to refine the system. I must say, it’s starting to become 2nd nature and by month 6, I know the efficiency + growth will be AMAZING.
Man, this is refreshing. I know it’s been awhile, but I had to give you the inside scoop. Y'all come first before gen pop, and I appreciate the support throughout the entire journey.
Let’s continue to change the world with art in 2024.
To more art, more impact, and more creativity. Cheers *raises glass*
Thank you for sharing, the down time is always good for the creative mind! We are here! I just moved to L.A. && have been unboxing art work, just know your art in here && I’m excited to see what’s next! Thank you creating && sharing!
This is awesome! Love the “monolawge” wordplay. My order is forthcoming.